This type of posed newborn images are some of my favourites. They are deeply personal because they incorporate the parent’s hands and arms, beautifully illustrating how tiny their baby really was in those first days. They will never be that small again. This time is so very fleeting... I keep looking at our Anya wondering how she became such a big little kid, so fast... and I feel like I've blinked and already landed half way through my second pregnancy.

That's right lovelies! I don't think I have formally announced, except for a few sneaky instagram stories, but we are pregnant with our second bub. It’s all a little unbelievable how quickly it all flies by. This pregnancy has definitely been a little bit tougher than my first. Generally much more symptomatic this time round. With Anya, I was fortunate to more or less continue as if everything was normal. No sickness at all and a decent amount of energy. I did my last newborn photography session only four days before Anya was born, though to be fair she did come a few weeks early. I plan on continuing with photography sessions until around the end of November, pending the local pandemic numbers.

These newborn images posed in the hands of mum and dad, are photographed with the baby's safety as priority. They are carefully posed on a special newborn posing beanbag and photographed on a darker brown backdrop fabric. Then with a bit of photoshop image editing magic in post production, it gives the illusion that the baby is being held in the air or hanging out in a hammock. The cornerstone to all my images is getting the lighting perfect. With these images, they just don't look right, if you don't get it spot on. There is so much variety to this 'In your arms' series and they work to offer a lovely range to all my newborn collections across all my packages, even my mini Just Baby, Wrapped Sessions.

I am a Hong Kong based photographer specialising exclusively in newborn and baby portraits, establishing Lullaby Images in 2016. I have extensive training in newborn baby posing and safety. I am a mum to a fiercely independent toddler who loves little adventures. With both professional and personal experience with tiny humans, baby safety and comfort is at the heart of all my photo sessions. 

I hate saying 'no'. Help me say it less by reaching out to talk about your newborn photography session well before your due date. I only take on a limited number of bookings a month and many Mamas reach out to me in their second trimester to book in their session.